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Unable to Run Macro with R code from Alteryx Gallery

5 - Atom

Hi All,


I am new to Alteryx.

I have created a workflow to read a PDF file and convert it to text file using Macro. I have used R code in that Macro to convert the file from PDF to TEXT.

I was able to run the workflow from my desktop but when I run it from my Company's Gallery it is throwing me an error as mentioned below.



Unable to run macro

Macros stored in the Gallery cannot be run and are intended to be downloaded and opened in Alteryx Designer.
Thank You.
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

When configuring an Alteryx Gallery, I think the default configuration restricts the execution of some tools and events. The tools and events include: Run Command tool, Download tool, Email tool, R tool, Run Command event, and Send Email event.


You'll need to speak with the Gallery administrator at your organization to allow workflows with those tools to be run on the Gallery server(s).



5 - Atom

Thanks Charlie.

I was able to run the Macro after installing R package on Alteryx server.

Addition to this, I was not able to run the workflow because the input tool which I used in the workflow was a Macro Input. After using a Normal Input tool I was able to run the workflow.