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Transfer workflows from My Private Studio to my Company's collection

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


I am having trouble transferring my workflows from my private studio to my company's collections. 



As you can see, the workflow has been properly uploading on my studio, but when I try to look for it in a collection, it does not come up. I search using parts of the title and it shows no results. I have Artisan access. Do I need additional accesses? 



Thank you,



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @fgrahner001 does the workflow not appear if you type the exact name of the workflow even including _ if you used them to substituent spaces? The search function in my experience is hit or miss if you type part of the workflow name.


Also if you click into the workflow you can add the workflow to a Collection you have access to via the sharing button.



6 - Meteoroid

It does not with even with the full name. And I do not see the option to share to a collection if I click on the sharing button. 


But what is weird is that I have created the collection.

12 - Quasar

Before you can share a workflow or analytic app to a collection you have to be added to the collection with permissions to do so.


Can you check that you are an admin user for the collection?




6 - Meteoroid

I am able to add myself as (best guess here) I am already the owner of the connection. 

