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Server download location?

7 - Meteor


I am working on a webscraping workflow that I am going to schedule on the gallery. When I run it on our server's designer, it runs fine and downloads to server's downloads folder (it's a Windows machine). However, when I kick it off on gallery, it looks like it runs fine without errors but I cant find the download. Is there a default download location for the gallery? The webscraper uses selenium on the python tool to open a webpage and click download. Do I need to run it headless on the gallery?


5 - Atom

It is my understanding that any files generated are put in the working directory where the workflow is being run. To see what this is on server you could try to add a browse tool connected to a formula with the Engine.WorkflowDirectory as a field and check this folder to see if it's being generated here.


If you are writing the file from Python (as opposed to writing the data out from a Python tool then using an output data tool) this can also cause issues as the Python script doesn't execute in the same directory as the workflow. To fix this, could pass the workflow directory into the Python script and writing the data to this location.

5 - Atom

Were you able to fix this? I am dealing with a similar error.