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Server and Geospatial Tools for Canada or UK

8 - Asteroid

I am seeking to insight, help, dialogue with users who have built tools and deployed them to server using Geo-spatial tools for Canada and/or UK.  

One question I have is can you deploy a single license designer spatial license to server have the mapping and geo-coding work?  Or, do you need a specific license key to work in each of those countries--Canada, UK, etc.? Can you just deploy an additional designer license? 

I am trying to run workflows in an on-premise gallery.  Any insight from current users would be very helpful.




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @dshaw !


The best way to license a Server for data would be to obtain the license key Server Insights Add-On. This will license the Server for all data types your Designers are licensed for without taking up a seat on a Designer Data license key. 


However, technically speaking you could license the Server with a Spatial license and be successful as well, though the Server would need to be licensed with a seat on each data key (ex: if you have purchased US, CA and UK data the Server would need to be licensed with a seat from each key). 


Let me know if that helps! If you have any other licensing questions our licensing team can also be reached at and would be happy to answer any questions you have.



Program Manager - Community Platform, Alteryx