Hey all,
We just upgraded our server to Alteryx Server 2018.3 and now for some users the Gallery isn't working anymore (they can access, but they can't run anything.....). Some people can see the new "insights" function on the gallery, for those people it is working, and other people cannot see the function and for them it's not working. I all seems quite random, like there are two versions of the gallery running at the same time.
I already tried removing the cookies from on of the computers on which it wasn't running. I don't really knew what to do, so we're now going back to the previous version (2018.2), but we really wanted to make use of the new features that the 2018.3 version is offering.
Anyone experiencing the same issues? or anyone that knows what is going on? all help is welcome...
get them to clear their browser cache- should fix the issue (ctrl+shift+delete)