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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Scheule a business hours repeating workflow

9 - Comet

Hi Everyone,

Is there a way to schedule in server a repeating scheule that only runs on business hours?


I want something like 'Every 10 minutes from 9:00 AM EST to 5:0 PM EST'


15 - Aurora

Hi @JohnMaty ,


Rather than scheduling many jobs, how about running one workflow which will loop and wait 10 minutes at each iteration?

Something like this:


As it's late at night here, I have not tested yet.

There may be better solution but I hope this idea may be of some help.

9 - Comet

That is interesting as a solution.  I will take a look.  Thank you!


9 - Comet

I looked at the solution and I am not sure how to incorporate it into a workflow.  My workflow has multiple inputs and outputs.  This would be requiring one at each thread in the workflow?  I am sorry I dont understand how to integrate it.