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Running shared workflows using Gallery API

8 - Asteroid


How can we execute the workflows shared by another user, using Alteryx Gallery API.

For example, I have private studio with API key and Secret key. I have published 4 workflows in my collection and shared the collection with another user called 'TestUser'. I.e. the TestUser is be able to execute all these 4 workflows through Alteryx Gallery.

Now the TestUser also has API key and Secret Key and tries to execute any of these 4 workflows using API Endpoint  /v1/workflows/{appId}/jobs/  (POST), we are getting 403 (Access denied) error.

And even the end point GET /v1/workflows/subscription/  (GET) is not showing up any of these 4 shared workflows information.

I.e. using private studio key's we are not able to access and execute the shared workflows.

 Any suggestion will be helpful. 

6 - Meteoroid

Is this resolved? If yes, could you please provide the solution.