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Message Tool In Server - Pull for Usage Report

5 - Atom

I'm using the Message tool inside a chained app to log the number of total pages being read in within a directory. I've published the chained app and it is being utilized currently.


On Designer I can see that the messages are being exported to the Output Window. If I wanted to see these messages and query them from our Server Mongo DB, what database and collection would I pull from (AlteryxGallery, AlteryxService, etc.)?

14 - Magnetar

The message log is captured in DB "AlteryxService", collection "AS_Results". The log is in the "__ServiceData" field which as you'll notice, is a binary value. If you download the Alteryx Server Usage Report app, the macros contained within it does show how convert it back to text. Note that this app has been deprecated, but I think is still available to download from the license/download portal. Last "Alteryx Server" version it was available to download with was 2022.1.


Alternatively, you can enable engine logging in the Alteryx Server Settings util by specifying a logging path. This will write out a text file that includes the message log for every job the server executes. Not as elegant of a solution, but will get you your message logs.


5 - Atom

What I was looking for, thank you!

8 - Asteroid

Does anyone know how I can join the log file data with data from AS_Queue?  The files in C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Engine\Logs contain WorkflowId and RunId guuids of 36 character lengths, but _ID and _AS_Queue__IDs are 24 length with no hyphens. The log files themselves do not contain all of the information we want to report on.


Alternatively, I'd like to know how to decode the __ServiceData blob without non-printable characters and a few rows with junk characters.

ServiceData Parse.jpgAyx Logs.jpg

6 - Meteoroid

is it possible you can share this workflow? I like to use same logic for servicedata.

8 - Asteroid

Someone in another thread showed me that AlteryxServerUsageReport_2020.1+_Mongo4 (deprecated) contains a macro for this purpose. It's called ServiceDataParser.yxmc. Inside the macro is a tool that appears as a ? but will still work. Something about ..\AlteryxService_Client.dll and AlteryxPlugin_SdPrint. You have to run this on the same computer as the server, and thus it also works when uploaded to the gallery.