Hi All,
Wondering if anyone has had the need and found a solution to seeing the last modified date for workflows saved in Gallery that isn't in the Server UI.
For this specific exercise, we can't depend on the information Alteryx Server provides for change management. I'm wondering if there is some other way to see the last modified date. For example, for designer we can check directory that the YXMD files are saved in and windows explorer shows the last modified date.
In this thread it mentions you can see the "files" in a mongoDB format, which would work for our purposes, but the naming convention doesn't make sense to me and I'm not sure if these files are 1<>1 with workflows.
All ideas welcome!
Hi @LanceFace, if you make any changes to a workflow and publishes it to the Server, this will be a new version of the workflow. You can see the Latest Version date on the Server UI, on the workflow page.
Are you trying to get this information directly from the MongoDB?
Hi @LanceFace,
Correct me if I'm misunderstanding: Are you are referring to retrieving the last Save date of the .yxmd/yxwz file prior to uploading the Server?
If so, the closest approximation seems to be the date in the UI that @gabrielvilella mentions, but it sounds like you can't use the UI values for your use case.
Something that comes to mind would be the Alteryx Gallery API.
V1 Admin API provides the following endpoint with a Upload Date related to each workflow.
GET /admin/v1/workflows
Let us know if this proves useful.
Thanks both for your responses. Unfortunately we are not able to rely on the Alteryx Server app at all for this audit, so the UI and the API are not going to work. To be honest, I'm not sure there's an answer.
Not sure I understand the question but we extract Mongodb data to yxdb files weekly and then can query them for Gallery details. The collection appinfos might have what you need.
An example from the Mongo data
compares to Server UI:
User | Count |
5 | |
1 | |
1 | |
1 | |
1 |