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Input group of files using wildcard

9 - Comet

I'm trying to input a group of .csv files from a folder.  Each day new files are added, and I want to make sure I capture all of them, so I used a wildcard in the file path.  For some reason, Server does not like wildcards, and I'm getting the following error: "Invalid Directory "X:\Common\Files\*.csv": The system cannot find the path specified. (3) (Tool Id: 1)".  I tried using both an Input tool and a Directory tool, and neither works.  Can someone help me with this?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @oracleoftemple, just checking where the directory is that you're pointing your input tools towards? Is this in a shared location that the machine running your Alteryx server has access to? If you're trying to pull files from a location on your own PC then server won't have access to this and therefore the directory will be invalid. As far as I'm aware wildcards should work perfectly well on server.

9 - Comet

You're right that's what it was, but there was an additional complication that I had forgotten about.  I can't use a simple file path like you find when you use file browse to find the location.  There is a format that the location name has to be presented in that only my IT department could give me.  So instead of "X:\Common\Files\*.csv", it looks something like this:  "\\\acme-root$\APP-DATA\APP-COMMON\Files\*.csv"