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How can I open a workflow saved to the Scheduler DB in a Designer + Scheduler environment?

14 - Magnetar

I am working with a customer who has Designer + Desktop Scheduler with the scheduler running locally on the same computer as Designer. A workflow has been scheduled with Run Location as "Copy saved to Scheduler DB" and I would like to open the YXMD to view it in Designer.


copy saved in scheduler db.png

I am probably missing something obvious but how can I open the workflow? I can't find any information online on where the "Scheduler DB" actually lives within this type of setup, System Settings doesn't give me any clues, and searching through ProgramFiles/Alteryx gives no sign of my workflow.


 setup type.png

14 - Magnetar

Yes indeed! So I connected to the SQLite tables and I can see that AS_Applications includes a Blob field which seems large enough to conceivably contain my YXMD (or something that I can convert into a YXMD).




Time to learn about Blobs.

14 - Magnetar

For the benefit of the next poor soul who decides to explore their SQLite files, the attached workflow will show you what these tables contain (assuming your Global Workspace is C:\ProgramData\Alteryx\)



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Just in case you didn't get there. I've attached your example also with how to get the actual module. You can edit the workflow as I probably have paths to my local files etc.


I also included the ServiceDataParser Macro which comes in handy for parsing many of these tables.

14 - Magnetar

 Thanks @KaneG, this is incredibly helpful!

5 - Atom



Are there any solution to join As_Application with As_Queue and As_Result? Basically my problem that As_Application includes the workflow name and ROWID. AS_Queue inlcudes all usefull info like  Status or creation date etc.. but if I join based on rowid the result is not what I can see in the scheduler. In As_Application there are 225 ROWID but in AS_QUEUE 12000. 


Thank you.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Szabolcs


I haven't played with this in a few years but hopefully the below is still correct


AS_Applications.Id (after the ServiceDataParser in the above workflow) may be the same as AS_Applications.ROWID, and it joins to AS_Queue.AS_Application__ID and AS_Queue.__ROWID joins to AS_Results.AS_Queue__ID