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Finding out who ran a workflow/application on the server

11 - Bolide

Hello community, so I am an artisan and not an administrator of our Alteryx server and have created several applications on the server for end users. I really would like to analyze usage data on the applications that I created like who has run them, when they were run, etc., but I have not been able to find anything like that available to me. Is there any way or anywhere that I could find such information for applications that I post on the server?

14 - Magnetar

Hi @JoBen 


Your Server Administrator can get this information by running a Server Usage Report.


If they are willing to give you the database username and password you can potentially run this yourself, but a better option would be for them to setup a filtered report that brings back usage data only for workflows that you have published.


This could be published to your private studio so you can run it at any time to get updated statistics.

11 - Bolide

Thanks @jamielaird. I didn't know that this tool existed. I'll have to get with my server admin about the credentials I guess. Thanks again for the help!