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9 - Comet

I have inherited an Alteryx Server (yay !) however there are many private studios some with a few workflows or apps and others with 100 of workflows and apps, some of these are in collections or part of a scheduled runs, the rest are just bit and pieces of work. 


I've got to clean this up, some of the owners are no longer around. 


The question is, can I download their private studio without having to download each workflow or app so that so that I can back it up on my local drive before I go through and delete all the unused apps or workflow. 


Many thanks 


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Tam ,


Fortunately, you have the Alteryx Server APIs for that. The authentication part will depend on your Alteryx Server version, but for the endpoint, it will be as follows:


Retrieve all workflowIDs and info:

Download all workflow packages:


Luckily, we do have macros developed that could help you with this process.



Fernando Vizcaino

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Tam ,


I came across this today and remembered your question. 

This workflow was setup for environments before 22.1 if I'm not mistaken, where you have OAuth1.0



Fernando Vizcaino