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Cannot Find Macro "CReW_FieldSort.yxmc"

8 - Asteroid



I've just uploaded a chained analytic app to server. There are two apps. In App 2, I've used the Crew Macro "FieldSort". However, when I run this on Server I get the following error message: Cannot Find Macro "CReW_FieldSort.yxmc". App 2 is running as the listbox is populating from the output of App 1.


Can anyone help?





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @PeterAP, if the macro isn't installed on server then Alteryx won't be able to find it when running, as it no longer sits on your machine. One of the ways to tackle this is packaging the macro in with your workflow when uploading it to server. This will store it in an externals_ directory, with the reference paths automatically updated so that your workflow points towards here. More information here on how to do that:



8 - Asteroid

@DataNath Thank you so much! This really helped me to find my solution.  😁


For anyone else with a similar problem, I followed the guidance on this post: Adding Files to the Gallery - Alteryx Community


I had to do this within App 2 where the macro was actually used, rather than in App 1.