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Automatically logged in as service account to Alteryx Gallery

5 - Atom



When I try to log in to our Alteryx server gallery, I am automatically logged in as a service account.  I do not see any way to force that account to be logged out so I can use my credentials.  


The service account is linked to Microsoft 365.  Occasionally, I have logged in to MS 365 with this service account, after doing that, the Alteryx server also defaults to this setting.  I have tried clearing my browser cache but the behavior persists across all browsers.


Any ideas how I can address this issue?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @b_emery_777 


What kind of Auth type is used in the Gallery?


Are you logging into the Gallery through the Server Machine (where the Alteryx Server is installed)?



5 - Atom

I believe it is using the Windows AD authentication.  And I am using my own laptop which does not have the server installed.


Thank you for the quick response!

11 - Bolide

I'd also like to see a resolution to this.


I have a similar problem. For example: I want to log in with my credentials on a co-worker's machine to quickly demonstrate something to her. But there is no option to do this on the co-worker's machine - by clicking "Sign In" on that machine, the co-worker's credentials are automatically used, and there is no option to enter any other credentials.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@Peachyco @b_emery_777 I agree this is annoying. What I've done in the past is to go to where chrome is installed, hold shift + Right click, and then select run as different user. Then I can enter different credentials. Then I can go to our alteryx gallery and it logs me in as that user that I just entered.
