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User access to workflow run history

7 - Meteor


I'm getting a little confused with what is needed to allow other users to see and download the results of workflows in collections.


At present we have a subscription/studio that a number of curators share.

Workflows from that subscription have been added to various collections long with associated schedules.


The jobs have been running successfully and built up a history of runs.


New member users have been added , but not in the shared subscription/studio. They have been added as users to the collections.


However they are not able to see any history for the workflows.


The shared subscription has 

  • Shared Schedules Enabled 
    and the workflows have 
    1.  Others may view this workflow's history.
    I even tried giving a user admin rights to the collection and that did nothing.
    What else is needed to enable users to download historical results from a collection?
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @paulreading ,


1. Others may view this workflow's history: This is for all the users to be able to see workflow's versions

2. Shared schedules enabled: Artisans from the same studio will be able to see the jobs and schedule results


Members cannot see results from other people's execution. I think this is for compliance purposes. If a user is running a workflow using credentials that only he has access, other users cannot see the results of those.


The only option I'm aware is for you to include the job inside the collection so other users can check for the job results, but not manual runs.



Fernando Vizcaino

7 - Meteor

@fmvizcaino Thanks.

Yep seems the members can view the results if they go via the schedule tab , click on the schedule name to see run history then click on the individual run to be able to download results. But see nothing if they click directly on the workflow in the workflow view in the collection. 

9 - Comet

Hello @paulreading 


Another good idea would be to create a workflow based on mongo dB which sends schedule history for required users.