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Alteryx rerun a workflow if failed

6 - Meteoroid

Can I setup to rerun a workflow if failed in Gallery. There is a workflow in the gallery which fails because of some Microsoft sharepoint issues (some issues from the front end). It is an frequent scheduled workflow. The next time it runs, it executes successfully at the time of the next scheduled workflow. 


Can i do a rerun if it fails?

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



Using a CReW macro, you can conditionally run the same workflow again.





Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

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5 - Atom

Hi Marquee, I tried to use the Conditional Runner to rerun workflow if it fails. It allows the user to choose a workflow/macro to run conditionally but requires an input. How do I get it to run a simple workflow. If it fails, run again. The reason I'm asking is our teradata often gets overwhelmed and will error out, quite painful if you have a long runtime scheduled early in the morning.


Thanks in advance!

7 - Meteor

Following this thread. Need another method other than CReW macros. 


Hi @sudeshnasen and @zwang1 


One of the options you can try is adding an event to your workflow with a condition to trigger if the workflow fails, that setting can be found on the 'Events' section of the workflow configurations. Create a configuration to run a command when a workflow finishes with errors




Next use the "AlteryxEngineCmd.exe" command along with the path to this same workflow to re-run after failing.

This will be useful if you want to try this