I have a big Query connecting to Oracle DB.
When running on PL/SQL or SQL Developer it runs ok.
But when comes to Alteryx Server it sometimes (yes.. Sometimes..) returns the error ORA-01722 Invalid Number.
I've tested a lot, and is probably a Date Conversion Issue. Any other ideas?
I have the following Date Filter (tested all three below) and sometimes work.. other not..
-- to_char(xcv.receive_date, 'MON-YYYY') >= ('JUL-2018') --:p_period_name
-- to_char(xcv.receive_date, 'YYYY') >= ('2018') --:p_period_name
-- xcv.receive_date between '01-JAN-2018' AND '31-DEC-2100' --:p_period_name
-- gp.period_year >= 2018
I'm trying this one.. but it's not working:
xcv.receive_date between To_Date('01-AUG-2019', 'DD-MON-YYYY') AND
To_Date('31-DEC-2100', 'DD-MON-YYYY')
Any help?
Kind Regards,
I would agree with Date conversion. Have you tried using 'YYYY-MM-DD'? I'd bet it's tripping over MON format
Hey my friend.
Thanks a lot for reply.
Unfortunately still did not works.
Try with
TO_DATE('31-DEC-2020', 'DD-MON-YYYY', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = English')
Try to change it to Char
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