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Access Gallery via F5 Load Balancer

8 - Asteroid

Hello Community,


I have configured the server settings for the Gallery URL as : https://hostname.domainname via F5 ( I did not checked Enable SSL because I dont need certificat when using F5) 

However I am getting Page not displayed , any idea please?

Is there any procedure to configure the Galley fia a load balancer?


When I change the URL in System settings the Alteryx service goes down!

I tried to run it with a local system then with a service domain account but the result is the same ...


Many thanks


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Asma,


When you say the service goes down, what error do you get?

8 - Asteroid

Hello ,


Steps to reproduce :


1. Install Alteryx Server and configure it with ' Complete Alteryx Server' => Gallery OK  

2. Create a vip and configure the ALteryx server via F5 to access this vip 

3. Create a Host and Domain name and join it to this F5 vip 

4. Configure Alteryx Server again via ALteryx settings with the new URL  

Replace Http://localhost/gallery with https://host.domainename/gallery


5. I did not check enable SSL because I am not using the port 443 ( HTTPS is configured via F5 the load balancer) 

6. ALeryx SErvice is down 

7. I tried to start it manuallay , it is just starting I culd access the gallery for a while then it stops ..


the Alteryx Service fails to start with an 

"Windows could not start the Alteryx Service service on Local Computer.
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion." 

It stats then it fails randomly .. SO it is nstable to oshare with end users ..


In attachement some further information

Thanks in advance for your help



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Asma,


I think you might be best to raise a ticket with support in order to get this resolved. If you could send the details to they should reach out to you.




11 - Bolide

if i understand SSL correctly, the https requires an SSL certificate to connect. That said, does the alteryxservice say "Starting" for a while and then go down? or is immediate?

8 - Asteroid

i starting then goes down

11 - Bolide

When using a custom URL I suggest that you make sure the Domain has been properly configured. This is not a step done in Alteryx, and is generally handled by your Web Administrator. That said, it is odd that when using localhost as your URL it fails. Have you changed your authentication type from "Built-in" to "Integrated Windows Authentication" or vice versa? Also, you can find a file called "LastStartupError.txt" generally located in c:\programdata\alteryx\service. This is a type of log file that should be created when Alteryx Service fails to start.

6 - Meteoroid

This is an old thread and probably my inputs wont help.


We configured Gallery to run on custom url (f5) both with SAML integration and with out SAML integration


Gallery behind F5 with out SAML:


- Installed Alteryx Server (all components on one server)

- Configured Gallery base url as http://localhost/gallery + SSL unchecked in Alteryx System Settings

- Procured a new Virtual IP for Gallery URL (custom url)

- Added Alteryx Server host name to F5 pool members

- Requested SSL offload on F5

- Access Gallery with custom url


This setup is working for us for the last 2 years. Now we upgraded to 2020.1 and scaled to a Controller / Worker architecture and integrated SAML / OKTA authentication. Here are the steps


- Installed Alteryx Server on host 1 (all components Controller, Gallery, Designer, Worker) This acts as Controller.

- Installed Alteryx Server on host 2 (just Worker component) - Acts as Worker only

- Procured a new virtual IP for Gallery URL (custom url)

- In Alteryx System settings on host 1 configured Base URL as https://custom url + Enabled SSL)

- Added Alteryx host 1 to F5 pool members

- Enabled SSL on F5 end and extend those SSL certs to Alteryx host 1 (using mmc -> Add/Remove Snap-In)

- After adding SSL certs to host 1 bind SSL Certs with port 443 on the Alteryx host (using netsh command line)

- On F5 side made sure to enable "serverssl" from SSL Profile. This is the trick with dual certs

- Configured IDP Metadata from OKTA in Alteryx System Settings.


That's it we are now able to access Alteryx Gallery via Custom Url (F5) with SSL enabled and authentication via OKTA