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Access Denied When Trying to Replace Workflow

11 - Bolide

Whenever a colleague or I try to replace a workflow in a collection with a newer version of the workflow, we get a message saying, "Access denied." My colleague is the owner of the workflow. We have made sure the old and new workflows are named the same, but still get the error. How do we get past this error/Why do we get this error?


Screenshot 2024-05-09 084945.png

12 - Quasar

@cpet13 a way around this could be to use the Alteryx API to push the workflow up to the server as seen here: 

11 - Bolide

@Deano478 thank you for your reply. That may work in the future, but we ended up just deleting the old version, uploading the new version and recreating the schedule and adding the new version to the collection. 


That discussion you provided helped me understand that a better option would be just to edit the workflow directly from the server (File => Open Workflow => Alteryx Server => Company Server) and making the edits there.