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400 No required SSL certificate was sent while connecting API using Alteryx

9 - Comet



I am getting following error while connecting the API using Alteryx designer from server. I am executing post method to get the token key.


<head><title>400 No required SSL certificate was sent</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>
<center>No required SSL certificate was sent</center>
<hr><center>Avi Vantage/</center>


Can you please tell me the process to pass the API through the certificate.


Thank you,

14 - Magnetar

You have created a topic on this subject already. Please use the original post. 

11 - Bolide

Hi @alt_tush , 


I think you have computer policy issues that block the API request or proxy issue. Please reach out to your admin team, they can help us with this.



Ariharan R

9 - Comet



I have installed the postman on my alteryx server and try to call API. It is working perfectly fine with Postman.

Only concern is when i called it using Alteryx download tool it gives me bad request error.


Also in alteryx settings it is not allowing me to enable the SSL option. My alteryx services stop running.


Thank you,

14 - Magnetar

How are you authenticating the API in Alteryx? I encourage you to use the macros available here https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Engine-Works/Introducing-the-Alteryx-Server-v3-API/ba-p/899228 

11 - Bolide

Hi, @gabrielvilella  Before that will check with @alt_tush what version of the designer/server he/she is using now. Alteryx server v3 API is only supported for the 2021.4+ version. 

9 - Comet

Hi gabrielvilella,


Thank you for the help. Will this macro pack workflow from gallery as well? Once we deploy this API workflow on gallery?


Also to execute this macro pack it is necessary the SSL option checked in Alteryx setting?


Also want to know if there any impact on my current Alteryx software once install this macro pack?

Thank you again for your help :)



14 - Magnetar

You need to install the macro pack in the Server machine for all users (open Designer as admin to do this). SSL being active or not has nothing to do with the API itself. It's just the protocol being used. Those macros will not impact anything you have already. 

9 - Comet

Hello gabrielvilella,

Does this macro pack support Alteryx 2019?

Also if i want to unstall this macro pack then what is the step to uninstall it.



Thank you for your help :)



14 - Magnetar

The macro pack is compatible with 2021.4 or later. You can remove this folder to uninstall it C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Alteryx\Tools\Server V3 API\