I am trying to input a csv file with the SharePoint Files Input Tool with no success.
I am getting only 1 column with 0 value
I defined the tool as follows:
Would appreciate your help :)
Hi @sahartz
Download the csv file through a browser and use a regular Input Data tool on the downloaded file. Are you getting the same results?
Hi @sahartz,
I had the same issue today. I solved it by below options settings and data will pop up. However, additional data cleaning process need to be applied but better than have nothing showing. Thanks and hope it helps.
For anyone else looking for a solution, as @frank_niu6 suggested, ensure you put something in the "Quote Character". The "Double Quote" seemed to work just fine. (Currently using SharePoint v 2.6.0 on 2023.1)
I also left the Code Page section as it defaults to UTF-8 without BOM.
Solutions above do not work when starting line is 6 versus 1. I am still getting no data pulled in form source file
Hi, I have also experiencing issues when trying to read csv through SharePoint Input Tool (SP Tool version 2.5.0, Alteryx version 2023.2).
Even if I specify the quote character, I keep getting error such as " SharePoint Input (1) Length of values (0) does not match length of index (6072)", where 6072 seems to somehow match the number of lines in the file.
The carriage return/line feed characters are correctly present in the there and the codepage UTF8 matches the file encoding.
How to solve the issue? I want to avoid downloading manually the file through other workflows as it would be an unnecessary step.
Note that the same file can be successfully read using the input tool from a local synchronized folder.
Update: I resolved de-selecting all the metadata fields and checking only "LinkFileName".