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renaming a field using the app and using the renamed filed in a list box

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone,




1. Excel Input contains 14 - 18 columns

2. End User should be able to rename one field name, using a text box 

3. The renamed field should pass through the workflow and the end user should be able to select any number of columns as per their choice using the list box interface tool, and the list box should reflect the newly renamed column name


is this possible? I have tried it however, the list box does not pick up the new renamed column. any help on this would really great.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

If you allow a input for the mapping table of old and new Column names, it can be much easier.

We can use the Field Info too to get the column names then use the Dynamic Rename tool to rename the desired fields.

