wanting to mirror my excel formula if(date<(TODAY()-395), "No","Yes") . Attempted this formula but receive a red squiggle before the first DateTime. IIf DateTimeToday([Cal/Mth/Yr])<DateTimeToday()[Cal/Mth/Yr]-395 then "No" else "Yes" ENDIF
Cal/Mth/Yr - 2022-03-01
DateTimeToday doesnt use arguments, its just todays date.
To get a year prior, you use datetimeadd but give it a negative number in units of years.
Assuming you have a column named date and it is a date format, you can use a formula like this.
IIF([Date] < DateTimeAdd(DateTimeToday(),-1,"years"),"Yes","no")
If [Date] < DateTimeAdd(DateTimeToday(),-1,"years") then "Yes" else "no" endif
Youre example was combining both formats which will also give you headaches.
@joffner another method
Thank you :)