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can we run one container after another in Alteryx.

8 - Asteroid

Hello Team,


I have a requirement where I need to deal with multiple container, I need few possibilities on below points.


1. In total I have three container,

2. First two container should run first and once that is completed then workflow should move to third container,


Please help me to achieve this.




12 - Quasar

You can achieve this using control containers. Put your first two containers inside a control container and connect the control container to the last container. Example is attached

8 - Asteroid

Hello Welsh,


I dont find that tool from the interface, Please help me to get that. Here is the screenshot attached for your reference, will wait for your response.




9 - Comet

Hi @ajanayak 


Control container is recently introduced and is available in the latest versions. My guess is that you are running a version older than that.


Although we don't have that, we can still control the flow of execution. What you need to do is, add block until done before the last tool in your container 1 and 2 both.


Take the output out from these two containers and union them, add a sample tool to pick just 1 record also add select tool to reduce it to a single column and single row output.


Now append this output to your third container data stream, use select tool to exclude this column right after you append. This way you will not lose the data, plus will be able to control the flow of execution.


Please note, for this to work keep 'Use AMP Engine" unchecked.


Attaching a snip for your reference.



8 - Asteroid

Many thanks for the solution, It worked for me and will mark it as solution soon.


Just one more additional request.


I have one mapping sheet where I have many values like it is given few in the attachment, Can I make it dynamic without if else block.


In my knowledge, If else is good for 3-4 condition, If you have more than 100 then what should be the best practice to make it dynamic, Any Idea for this, Thanks in advance.

9 - Comet

Hi @ajanayak 

I found your above question in community and i have posted an answer to that. Hope that helps.

9 - Comet

Hi @ajanayak ,


if that solved your question, do accept it as solution. Cheers!
