Hi everyone,
I've recently established an ODBC connection to BigQuery through Simba driver, which is to be used for Input tool in Alteryx Designer. I've had success in pulling data from BQ in doing so. But my process requires not only pulling the data from BQ but also writing back to it after performing several data & ETL operations on Alteryx. I have tried to use the same Simba driver ODBC configuration (as used in Input tool) for Output tool in order to create a table on BQ but it is throwing errors. The error says "[Simba][BigQuery] (70) Invalid query: DDL statements are not supported in a transaction, except for those creating or dropping temporary tables or temporary functions".
If anyone of you have succeeded in writing a table to BigQuery through Output tool, please point me to the right direction. I have attached my Simba driver ODBC configuration as well.
Please do let us know if you were able to resolve the issue