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Write data into ServiceNow tables


Hello all,


I have to run certain analyses on data and come up with some changes to be done in ServiceNow on a few tickets.

For example: If the priority or the state of a certain ticket is incorrect, I flag it off with the Workflow with the correct data.

Is there any way I can write data into ServiceNow directly through Alteryx. This process should change the priority and state in ServiceNow tables through any API or any connector. 


Please let me know if this is possible. Any help is appreciated.



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Vaibhav1996 ,


Yes, you can use the ServiceNow REST API and configure the connection either through the Download tool, Python, or a combination of both.


We can write that for you. DM myself or @TheOC  if you're interested.







I am able to use Download tool and Get to read data from a table in ServiceNow.


Now, I am trying to write data using Post.

In Download tool, I am providing the following..


Download Tool Configuration:

URL: https://[myinstance][mytablename] 

Headers: None selected

Payload: HTTP action: POST

Payload: Take Query String/Body from filed - I provided XML format of data from an incoming column data="<request><entry><column1>2335344343</column1><column2>description</column2></entry></request>"

Connection: Username: [username]

                    Password: [password]


I get the following error

Invalid content-type. Supported request media types for this service are: [application/json, application/xml, text/xml]


What am I missing? 

Should I provide anything in Headers in the Download tool?


Thank you.



That message is telling you that you need to manually add a "conent-type" parameter to your download tool... in the Download tool manually configure (use add) a  content-type on the header tab. Set the header as "application/xml" - see if that works.



Thank you for the update.

I added content-type and accept headers and able to proceed with all API Calls. Get, Post, Delete and Custom(Patch).


