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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Will a new version of Alteryx support older worfkflows?

5 - Atom

Just as the subject says, I am wondering if I upgrade Alteryx the compatibility of older workflows won't be affected.


Thanks for the help!



20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

Yes.  No worries.

Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

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17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Generally @MarqueeCrew is correct, but be mindful of deprecated tools. When it's time to retire a tool, Alteryx will flag the tool icon with a orange sign that indicates it will be removed from future versions of Designer.









If you install a new version of Alteryx and see tools in your workflows flagged as deprecated, be sure to replace them before you upgrade again. Once a deprecated tool is gone, the workflow is left with a black "?" tool icon and it will error.
