Hi, Right now im exploring the API's. Is there a way to view the metadata within a workflow? Like get details of what connections are being used, what tools being used in the ETL, and so forth?
You can open a workflow, macro, or app (YXMD, YXMC, YXWZ) in a text editor. Those file types are in XML format. I use Notepad++
You can also read a workflow into Alteryx as a csv file type, with \0 delimiter (no delimiter).
Capitalize Consulting has a Workflow Admin Manager they sell, that has the metadata in a friendly format:
@lenewmaniii another way you can view the workflow XML that @ChrisTX mentioned is through Designer. You can go into Options > User Settings > Edit User Settings and display the XML under the Advanced option
With this enabled, you'll be able to click on the XML view for your entire workflow in the workflow configuration
The XML View will provide details on the code that makes up the workflow including the tools being used as well as its configuration
Hope that helps
The Vendor Keyrus built an Autodocumentor that I think is free.
You can adjust to your needs I think