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Using a Control Parameter for dynamic filtering

6 - Meteoroid

Hi everyone,


I am trying to set up a dynamic filtering function i.e. a function which will filter on a given column against a list of values which is dynamic i.e. which is based on a user's input. In other word:

1. The user provides his list of conditions as an input CSV file. See attached "User_Filtering_Condition" which is pre-populated (for the sake of the example here) with a list of values to filter for (the first cell is a header)

2. A dataset made of a number of columns and rows. One of the column, called "Topic", is the column where we want to look for the conditions outlined above. For the sake of the example, I have only retained the "Topic column from the dataset (See "Dataset")


The goal is to return the same dataset with one additional binary ("Yes" / "No") column called "Condition Met", which indicates whether any of the values from the "User_Filtering_Condition" file have been found on the "Topic" column. I am trying to flag whenever a condition provided by the user is found in one of the cells from the "Topic" column. The "Output" file attached is what I would expect to return.


Any idea how to do that? I thought of using a batch macro but I am having a hard time, macros are not my strengths on Alteryx.


Thanks everyone for your perspective.



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I think a Find and Replace Tool can do the work.


6 - Meteoroid



This is a marvellous solution. So simple, yet so efficient. It's a wonder, and I'm just pissed I didn't think of it ^^


Thanks again, this is perfect 🙂


Closing this.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Glad to help and thank you for the accept mark.😁
