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Urgent help needed. Please advise!

6 - Meteoroid

Hello all,


Quick question,


I am working on a dataset and want to filter out those entries where a cell matches neither the contents of the cell above it or the one below it. Basically if a cell exists and the contents do not match the cell above it or the one below it, I want to filter it out. Any suggestions on the tool and syntax to use?




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I would use a multi-row formula to create a new field using a formula like this ([data field] is the field you're checking)


if [data field]!=[Row-1:data field] AND [data field]!=[Row+1:data field] then 'remove' ELSE 'keep' ENDIF


Then use a Filter tool to remove rows where the new field = 'remove'


But this will remove the 1st row if it is not equal to the 2nd row, so if you don't want this you probably need to add a RecordID and have another AND [RecordID]!=1

6 - Meteoroid

Perfect. Thanks so much !
