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Update Detour Tool Based on Condition (List Box)

8 - Asteroid

I am working on a Macro that will send data in a different direction of a detour tool based on whether the field is selected or not in the List Box.  Essentially, if the item is selected in the list box, I want that data to go through the left of the detour and if the field is not selected, I need it to go through the right. Can someone clarify the function needed to go in the conditional to make this happen?


Essentially all of the fields are brought in, however only the fields selected are going through the right sideCapture.JPG

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Reggie1995 


Unfortunately, that not what the the detour tool does.  It will take one of 2 paths based on the connected interface tool, but the entire workflow is shifted to the selected path.  Nothing on the unselected path will execute at all.  


I'll have to think about how to accomplish what you're looking for.  Maybe someone else can chime in with a suggestion.





8 - Asteroid

Makes sense.  Essentially I need all of the fields to flow through, but only the selected fields are getting edited.  Maybe I need to Transpose and then select via a filter and then crosstab back.  Here is the other issue.  I need to be able to have a summarize tool find the max of all of the selected fields as well.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Reggie1995 


Consider something like this.  Since you want the operations to apply to any of the specific fields,  send all of them through your process and have the user select the ones they want to see.  This should work unless you have millions of rows or thousands of fields in which case you can run into performance issues.





8 - Asteroid

Hey Dan,


I see what you are doing here.  The main thing that I wanted to accomplish was allow all of the data to flow through, but only what was selected would pass through the alternate process.  What I actually did was Transpose the data, and then update a filter tool to select the fields that were desired by the user.  These would go to the true side, and then the rest would pass through the false data set.  I then cross tabbed back at the end and used a regex to revert the fields back to their original formatting with punctuation.  Thanks for your help on this!


wf example.JPG
