Trying to transform a time figure (hh:mm:ss) into just seconds (So 00:10:00 would be 600 seconds) and can't seem to get a formula to work at all.
I'm currently using the text to column function to split time down by the ":" - however, leaving the original format as "Time" makes the new columns fail upon running as they aren't time. When I switch them to string I can no longer perform a calculation on the columns as it gives me a "Can't do math on string columns" type error.
Any chance anyones got a work around for this?
I did try and use this tutorial, but I just find the same problems as above.
Bonus question: I've got about ten columns of this type of data, do I have to do each column as a different formula, or is there one big procedure I could use?
Solved! Go to Solution.
I have used a select tool to change the type from time to string. Then a text to column to split hour, minutes and seconds.
Another select tool to transform string in integer.
Finally, a formula that does the calculation that you want:
seconds + (minutes *60) + (hours *3600)
Hope it helps.
Works perfectly like that, did the maths myself and it checks out.
Hey NJ,
Wonder if you could elaborate a little on this?
I've just split all the columns into text and then sorted all the formatting out. But now I'm trying to get the Multi-formula to work with the following calc...
IF IsNull([Max_Status3]) THEN [Max_Status1]*60+[Max_Status2]
ELSE [Max_Status1]*3600+[Max_Status2]*60+[Max_Status3]
but for each column that the formula is needed. But I'm getting a parse error on this? I've selected the fields at the top so I know I'm asking it to do the right thing I just can't see the wood through the trees.
@NikSTHFCould you please attach workflow or a screen shot of the error and the formula?
You said you are using a Multi-Formula, but I think you can just use a normal Formula.
You can use the standard formula! Huzzah.
Thanks man.