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Time Stamping PDF export with Day and Time

11 - Bolide

Is there an easy way to put the current date and time on top of an Report PDF that is being Output? 


I have tried unsuccessfully to find how to do this. 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



I took the alteryx sample and added a datetimenow() formula in so that it can be used in the header.  Workflow attached below.

Jess Silveri
Manager, Technical Account Management | Alteryx
15 - Aurora

Yes... assuming your workflow ends with something like this:


... just add this:



So... it's just a DateTimeNow tool sent into a Text tool; in the Text Tool's "Available Fields" dropdown, select the "DateTimeNow" which should appear there.  Union that with your original "final layout.  Then, in the Render tool, check the "Header" checkbox, and select "Text" which should apper in the dropdown there. Also, select the "Show header and footer on first page" if you wish to see it there.  Finally, you can adjust the size of the displayed header in the "Text" tool... (default is a pretty huge font).


@JessicaS beat me to it. Smiley LOL

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I like the datetimenow tool in @JohnJPS 's Idea better. More formatting!

Jess Silveri
Manager, Technical Account Management | Alteryx
11 - Bolide

Yes this worked well for me too... I agreee 


thanks @JohnJPS
