Hi Team,
I am trying to use the newly developed text mining tool for extracting the information from the pdf. But the information is in different rows and I would like to have the headers in columns and the values as rows. Can you please help.
Please find below the snapshoot,
For e,g Date of expense should be as a header and the date below that.
Hi @sriniprad08 - PDF or a data sample from the Image to Text tool would help.
You can add annotations to template pdf file at the Image Template tool.
So Alteryx can read data as another field at each annotations.
Hi @AkimasaKajitani ,
Thank you for the reply. Is it possible to remove the text from the row ? for e.g
from the row below keeping only the Inovice no and not the text (Invoice No). like BLR_WFL0..?