I am getting error in Post SQL statement.
I am trying to Overwrite a Table and in Post SQL altering the same using If condition.
Execute Immediate $$
If Condition Meets
Alter Statement
End if
code is working in snowflake worksheet but in Alteryx getting Parse error for $$ .
Kindly Suggest
I do not believe that Alteryx supports this. Here are details of what you would need to support to allow for multi-line scripts:
If you need to do this - I'd look into scripting something using CLI or Python.
Is it possible to create Stored Procedure using Alteryx in Snowflake using Pre SQL?
I have a requirement that need to identify which column are not common between second table and need to add that in first table
e.g. Table A : COL: JAN,FEB,MAR,DEC
so need to add only NOV,OCT in TABLE A.
i have done this using stored procedure in Snowflake but can not create that in pre sql using alteryx.
I have to create this table at run time only.