Trying to build a simple macro and its not quite working for me.
The macro is supposed to point to a field, in my example I'm choosing the field [JOB_DATE], then whatever you put in the TEXT BOX Tool it filters for that information.
In the macro below, if I enter '202106' it should look at the [JOB_DATE] field and only return the records with 202106.
If anyone can look at my macro and see what I might be doing wrong I would greatly appreciate it.
@jdelaguila It's because your Action tools is configured to replace the entire string, including the field, not just the value.
It looks like the only choices i have in the Action tool are 3 update choices. Can you send me an example on how i would update the Action tool to NOT replace the entire string?
Thanks for all your help.
To answer your question though, at the bottom is where you'd specify what to find and replace. So if you did want it to just replace the value, that field should only include "202106" instead of "[JOB_DATE] = 202106".