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San Francisco Drive Times

6 - Meteoroid

I use a non-overlapping drive time tool a lot in figuring out trade areas for our network of centers (including figuring out where to put new centers).


For some reason, the San Francisco/Bay Area are a sticking point in the non-overlapping DT tool. I can run all 70 of the other sites in a batch in a fraction of the time it takes to get a trade area output for the 3 sites in Bay Area. 


Anyone have similar issues or know of a work around? 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @kprescott 


Do you have the same issue in extended runtimes when using the drivetime setting of the standard Trade Area tool in San Francisco / the Bay Area also?


I would suggest you do the following to help troubleshoot - test this scenario to understand where the process is taking the largest proportion of time on multiple location scenarios - this can help to identify areas to optimise the process:


  • Right-click on the Non Overlap Drivetime tool, and choose open macro
  • Replace the Macro Input configuration for an input source containing your centroids/spatialobjs
  • Switch the Trade Area configuration (tool 33), Distance (tool 75), Distance (tool 436) with your preferred drivetime setting instead of TeleAtlas default
  • In Workflow - Configuration select Runtime then switch on 'Enable Performance Profiling':
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