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Report Table Formatting not reflecting in Email Alert


Hi All,


I am working on one of the email notification alerts on my project and designed a workflow to send email alerts with tabular data.


However, I noticed that the table formatting settings are not reflected in the email alert.


Details are listed below - 

1. Table headers are set align to the center.

2. Data are set to align based on the data type -

a. Numerical data types including Boolean are set to align to right

b. String data types are set to align to left

c. Date and Time fields are set to align to center.


The alignments are looking properly in the designer, but all the date fields getting left aligned in the email alert.


The version of Alteryx designer used is 2021.4.2.07064


Kindly help me in resolving the issue as I am not sure why the issue is happening


Thanks & Regards,

Amogha C J


Hi @ACJ 


I am not sure whether you are using the Outlook.


If yes, I do encountered the same issue as it was due Outlook application issue.

If I was looking at the Email online it comes out correct, but in the Outlook application it is aligned left.

Waiting for my teach team to resolve at their end.


Many thanks

Shanker V



did you find any solution? I’m having the same issue! :( 
