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Render tool to fetch headers dynamically

6 - Meteoroid

Hi ,


Is there a way to populate the headers in the Render tool Automatically as the Date changes.

For example i want the header in the excel file from the Render tool as 

01/11/2021 , 02/11/2021 upto 31/11/2021 .


When the month changes it should be 01/12/2021 upto 31/12/2021.


My Second query is 

Also is there a way where i can output only the Friday (Example 05/111/2021, 12/11/2021 as headers) . This is also through render tool which has to changed dynamically according to the month change.




16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Not sure exactly what you mean, but you once you have your date(s) that you want on the header coming from a data stream, you can connect it to a Report Text tool and then configure it with the "Available Fields" drop down.  And then connect that to your Render Tool and pick the appropriate Report Text tool as the Header.


Try it out, and if you have trouble, post some screenshots or a sample workflow, and we'll go from there.
