This is a bit of an odd request, but here goes. I have a reference file that shows the first PART of a serial number. My data set contains the full serial number. How can I link the two so that I'm able to pull in additional data from the reference file base on those first few numbers of the serial number? In the example below I am trying to create a column showing the color.
I hope that makes sense.
Thank you!
Serial number
111111188888 - (result of workflow should say "Red")
111111280461 - (result of workflow should say "Blue")
111111375486 - (result of workflow should say "Yellow")
Serial number beginning | Characteristic |
1111111 | Red |
1111112 | Blue |
1111113 | Yellow |
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi @skeen503979,
One way for this use case specifically is to use the Find Replace tool. It has a configuration that allows you to look at the beginning of the fields. I used Select tools in this picture because Find Replace only works on strings, not numbers.
Other use cases might require extracting the first X characters of the serial, like with the Left() function or regex.
I hope this helps!
in formula tool will do this for you. assuming the first 7 are what you want.
Hi @skeen503979
Just adding another method to above methods. Using formula startswith.
IF StartsWith([Serials], "1111111") THEN "Red"
ELSEIF StartsWith([Serials], "1111112") THEN "Blue"
ELSEIF StartsWith([Serials], "1111113") THEN "Yellow"
Hope this helps : )
Thank you @atcodedog05 , @apathetichell , @clmc9601! Those were all very helpful. I really appreciate the community. 👍
Happy to help : ) @skeen503979 I like your profile pic it looks like R2D2
Cheers and have a nice day!