HI All,
Apologies, I not that familiar with R, but had a bit of thought and just wanted to run it past someone who might know the answer. Is it possible to use the R tool to launch an R shiny interface with data pushed in via an Alteryx workflow? - Something what I have attempted below?
I had a bit of a go, got the following, but never got it to launch
R (3) Attaching package: 'shiny'
R (3) The following objects are masked from 'package:AlteryxPredictive':
R (3) checkboxInput, numericInput, selectInput, textInput
R (3) Listening on http://127.#.#.#:####
Solved! Go to Solution.
Did you try hitting the IP address in your browser? I ran your code and it worked perfectly.
Hey Dave,
Great to hear. It is probably internal security settings at work here. I will follow up with some local technology people to see how I can get around this.
In the mean time - I will look forward to seeing some Alteryx inspired Shiny applications??? :)