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Questions for saving the workflow and Certification Core Exam

7 - Meteor

Good moning!
I want to as 2 questions...

1) The first question is about saving the files, because when I download the files from the weekly challenges they are compressed and saved as .yzxp. So when I solved the challenge I save it in the same folder where the workflow in .yzxp is, but when I close and open again Alteryx, the input tool with the data sheet is lost. What can I do to save the workflow and the data sheet in the same place in order to have the workflow allways avilable? 


2) I have been trying to make the alteryx certification, in total I have try 2 times, but in the last attempt, there was a lot of questions related to the files, and configurations inside the input tool that I didn´t see in both guides provided by alteryx, I also looked in the documentation but I didn´t find anything either


I want to try again this Sunday, so it would be great if you can help me with that.

Thanks and have a nice day!


13 - Pulsar

Hi @mafervicas 


1. I assume you want to export your workflow as a .yxzp file, and you can do that by selecting Export Workflow from the Options menu on the toolbar in Alteryx. This feature allows you to share your packaged workflow with others, and will include any macros or data files that are mapped. Learn more about it here:


2. There are some great video trainings that can help with prepping for your certification exams. I would highly recommend checking them out.

7 - Meteor

Thanks a lot @Maskell_Rascal !!!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @mafervicas ,


When you save a .yxzp file it zips up the workflow as well as any input file that the workflow contains. When you load a .yxzp file, it will also load the file into a directory specified, see image below. I would recommend going back into the workflow and pointing your input tool to the location where the input files were saved. This way it will know where to grab your input files from.







In terms of the input tool for the exam, the best bet is to try all of the configurations on your own Alteryx Designer if possible. Additionally, the material that @Maskell_Rascal  shared should provide some insight as well.




7 - Meteor

Thanks a lot!

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