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Query Multiple Tables from Oracle DB with Single Connection

7 - Meteor

I was wondering if there was a way that I could run multiple queries from a single ODBC connection? I don't want to run into the dreaded "exceeded multiple allowed connections" error, so I was hoping I could build a workflow to connect to the Oracle DB, and then have each query run & save into a csv file. Anyone have an idea how I could accomplish this?

14 - Magnetar



I’m going with the assumption that each input is generating different schema’s. As such, unfortunately no.


One option that you can explore is creating a batch macro that will execute one query at a time and output a file on each iteration. Your SQL query would be your control parameters and feed it into your Input tool having the Action tool replace the query on each iteration. 


If you’re unfamiliar with batch macros, there a lot of posts, training and KB articles throughout community about it.


Hope this helps!


