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Parsing Unstructure Data into name and state

8 - Asteroid

I have a file of unstructured data that i need parsed into the company and the state code if it exists. It looks like the it needs to be parsed before the 11-digit number and after it. I have tried parsing on space put it is just not working.


17 - Castor

Hi @lbolin 


One way of doing this.




Many thanks

Shanker V

18 - Pollux

Your initial inquiry is off - you don't just want the 11 digit numbers - you also want number hyphen combos I believe (ie you are looking at  company name/phone number/state).


Drag a regex tool onto the canvas - put it in Parse mode.

Put this in your regex expression tool: ^(.*)\s([\d-]+)\s+(\w{2}).*$


You can then rename the columns: name, number, .state in the lower left quadrant of the configuration pane of the tool - or after the tool.

20 - Arcturus

@lbolin seems to be fixed formatted file, in that case you need to just mention the position and length of each field in the regex tool


