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Parsing Comma Separated Values Within in a Single Column Based on a Separate Count

5 - Atom

Hello all, I've been struggling with parsing some comma seperated values within columns imported to alteryx from a csv. The data pertains to a messaging site my company uses, and we want to know how many times different emojis are attached to messages within the messaging platfrom. So I have a table filled with data similar to the following row (ex) :





That applies to one message. Somebody must have done something good....



So what this is saying is:

  • 5 people used a 'tada' and their userIDs were 1,2,3,4,5
  • 1 person used a 'clap' and their userID was 1
  • 2 people used a 'sparkle' and their userIDs were 1,6


How I tried to approach this project: 

  • I used the 'Text to Columns' parsing tool and selected to split to rows rather than columns.
  • This worked well for the 'count' and 'emojis' columns, but not the 'userID' column.
    • As I'm sure you all have figured out by now, the parsing tool created rows for each of the userIDs... not what I wanted. 

 I am wondering if there is a way/ tool in alteryx that can be used to parse the userID column so that it creates a new row with (for example) the 5 userIDs who attached a 'tada' to a particular message, rather than a different row for each listed id # in the userID column. So, ideally my final output for the above example would appear as: 





Thanks in advance for  the help! 






20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus


The answer to your question is: YES!

Screen Shot 2016-06-28 at 5.58.42 PM.png


Granted that I didn't preserve the order of the input {tada, clap, sparkles}, but that is doable too (must remember the original order of the emojis).  I also included a RecordID as I assumed that you need to do this for more than just one incoming record.


I suppose that the next question you might ask is:  How do I ..... ?


This was a fun puzzle to solve.  I solved it by parsing the data just as you recommended.  I put an emojiID after the 3 emoji counts (can be any #) and put an emojiID after each emoji.  I then generated rows so that I could create the right number of rows for each emoji/count.  I then had 8 rows of data and joined them by record position with the 8 userids.  I used a summarize tool to create your desired output.


Screen Shot 2016-06-28 at 6.08.01 PM.png


The attached workflow gives you all the details. 


I'm interested in seeing how others approach this problem.  Hopefully I didn't miss an easier solution.




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ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

For @MarqueeCrew another similar approach.


I used a transpose to join count and emoji. After which split to rows on the , then pair the emoji to the count.

Then it is similar to Mark's process generate some rows, add a record id to and join to a split set of user ID



Now if I am allowed to use my formula library ( and the split function all becomes a lot easier:



The dynamic regex part is fun (extracts the part of UserId I need without splitting :))


Both attached as 10.0 files.




5 - Atom

 thanks a lot! This really helped!

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