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Parallel Block until done /Unable to create backup error

8 - Asteroid

Hello everyone,


For about 1 week I am trying to figure out how I can cross over an error and I mixed up all possible solutions that I know and I still get an error message when I try to generate 4 different sheets in the same excel file. The error is :

Unable to create backup of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\EXTRAS BRD output.xlsx to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\EXTRAS BRD output.xlsx.bak: An unexpected network error occurred. (59)


Can you please help if you can offer any solutions.

P.S: First time I generated the data without Union them and after split them per sheet and it doesn't worked.


Thank you in advance 

block until done.PNG



8 - Asteroid


14 - Magnetar

Hey @mihaicom20, does this work on your local Designer? I see that the error is from a run in the Gallery. Also, are you using the AMP engine or not?

8 - Asteroid

@gabrielvilella  on my local designer is working without any problems. When I'm running it from Alteryx Server me and my colleagues are getting this error. I am not using the AMP engine. 

I just changed the settings, enabling in AMP and I get more errors: (Server and Local )

1.Output Data (280) Internal Error: STD Exception in thread: boost::filesystem::status: Access is denied: "\EXTRAS BRD output.xlsx"
2.Output Data (362) Unable to open file for write: \EXTRAS BRD output.xlsx - Attempt to open a file that is already open: Extras BRD\Alteryx\Output\EXTRAS BRD output.xlsx: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. (33)
3.Output Data (289) Unable to open file for write: \\Output\EXTRAS BRD output.xlsx - Attempt to open a file that is already open: \EXTRAS BRD output.xlsx: The process cannot access the file because another process has locked a portion of the file. (33)
4.Output Data (281) Unable to create backup of \Output\EXTRAS BRD output.xlsx to EXTRAS BRD output.xlsx.bak: The system cannot find the file specified. (2)
5. Output Data (289) Internal Error - Deadlock detected (@1)
Designer x64 Finished running EXTRAS BRD_V2.yxwz in 49.1 seconds with 5 errors and 55 warnings

14 - Magnetar

Are the Crew macros installed on the Server? If they are, you might want to create your own parallel block until done. Here is a nice vide from Marquee Crew showing how to do that: 

Answering an Alteryx Community Post ( on how to achieve parallel block until done results without a CReW macro.
8 - Asteroid

@gabrielvilella  sorry for my late reply

The Crew Macros are installed on the server as I understood, but I chose to do it a little bit different: I made a union off all the data and after a spitted them  after a certain column with block until done, and even with this didn't worked so I decided to generate the sheets with problem twice and for 1/2 weeks is working without any problems. I still have the error sometimes, but the sheets are generated. 



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