Hi All,
With the help of this community i have attempted to build my first literation macro.
Problem Statement
Using the examples online, the input of my macro is a "text input" and using the "Iteration Query" . I then use the formula to download the Data and then use a Json Parse.
Further along the chain i can see i am pulling out the "EndCursor" To Create a new Query.
When i run the macro, i am returning data, however its the Data from the "Text Input" and not the data from the Database
getAllCompanies(companyLevel : "Company", pageControl:{first:2}){
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
Query Results
"data": {
"getAllCompanies": {
"totalCount": 20000,
"pageInfo": {
"endCursor": "Q0RNQzAwNDF4NE90ak54WUM0bDE=",
"hasNextPage": true,
"startCursor": "Q0RNQzAwM2lBdThjYWc4UGR3cjU=",
"hasPreviousPage": false
"edges": [
"cursor": "Q0RNQzAwM2lBdThjYWc4UGR3cjU=",
"node": {
"companyId": "CDMC003iAu8cag8Pdwr5",
"name": "ABC Testng"
"cursor": "Q0RNQzAwNDF4NE90ak54WUM0bDE=",
"node": {
"companyId": "CDMC0041x4OtjNxYC4l1",
"name": "Test 1"
Iteration Query
getAllCompanies(companyLevel : "Company", pageControl:{first:2,after:"Q0RNQzAwNDF4NE90ak54WUM0bDE="}){
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
Unfortunately i am unable to upload the workflow, but i have attached a screen shot, and the iteration macro
Looking forward to your assistance
Sorry, I think I may have caused a bit of confusion when I helped with the iterative macro previously.
Your download tool should be inside your iterative macro.
The formula tool with the output was only in the macro as a place holder since we cant actually use your download tool in testing.
@SPetrie Thanks for the quick response.
So i have tried that in the macro, however i was getting various errors.
In the workflow, before the second download tool, i am getting various tokens to ensure i have access to the DB. The second downnload tool this, information is still being passed
When i add this to the macro , the first warning is that the URL is missing ( i assume this is because its not in text input ( as i only have one column)
I have attached the download Screenshot from the workflow
Third Formula before second download tool in workflow
Second Download Tool after third formula in workflow
You need to pass all those items through from the main workflow and into your macro input so the download tool can use it.
After it goes through the download tool, the same number of fields need to be sent back to iterate.
If there are 4 fields going into your macro, your iteration output needs to be sending back 4 fields as well.
Based on the pictures, your macro input should have ENV, Authorization, RadixURL, and GraphQL columns which all get populated by the main workflow and should be mirrored in your macro input.
Keep your download tool setup to use the fields as you do now, but inside the macro instead. Your GraphQL field will get updated with the new endpoint as you have it, but the other 3 fields need to come along with it to the iteration output so they are available to the download tool on the next pass.
I attempted to update the macro with what I saw in your screenshots. I can only take it so far since I cant actually run the download tool but hopefully this gets you close. Sorry again for all the back and forth. We will get you there :)