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Outputting Excel files with conditional formatting dynamically using field name

6 - Meteoroid

Hello hello!


So I have a data set where I want to apply conditional formatting on certain columns, highlighting any number above 1 in column C, and I'd like to be able to output it into multiple files so that the records get split into individual files (ideally into different folders).


Based on what little I know, in order to apply conditional formatting to data in Alteryx, I have to use the Table tool in Reporting, but when I try to use the Output tool, Alteryx can't read the individual field names in the table anymore, rendering my directory field in the dataset useless. I also can't input more than 1 data source using the Output tool, so I'm lost on how I could have both conditional formatting and dynamic outputting.


I'm still very new at using Alteryx so I don't know how to embed the data into just an Alteryx file, but here's an excel file that's similar to what I'm working with. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

We can group the record by the path you have set, and highlight the items with a Column Rule in the Table Tool.


6 - Meteoroid

Wow, this was exactly what I needed! Thank you so much!

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Glad to help.
