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Output to Excel/ Row 2 as header instead of Row 1

7 - Meteor



I used one output data tool connecting to four different containers. Each container has specific columns that correspond to each other data. The end result is that all four containers will encompass one Excel workbook with separate tabs for each container. My workflow works great, but now my first container output in Excel has the header on the second row instead of the first row. The rest of the tabs in the Excel workbook from the three other containers display the header on the first row, which is correct. I tried to use the summarize tool, and it worked, but the output from the tool gave me 1000 fewer data results; my assumption is the 'Null' were excluded. 

I'm trying to figure out why the other three containers have the header on the first row, and the first container does not. Any tips or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

11 - Bolide

Do you have a visual?  Are you appending or overwriting existing file, etc.?  Need more detail.

7 - Meteor

I have selected 'create a new sheet'


The other three reports within the same container from the same Input Data source do not have this issue of row 2 being the header.

And the additional three containers do not have this issue as well. 


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